
CircuitPython driver library for TIC stepper motor drivers

  • Author(s): Alec Delaney

Implementation Notes


TIC stepper motor drivers

Software and Dependencies:

class circuitpython_ticstepper.TicMotor(step_mode: StepModeValues = StepModeValues(value=0, multiplier=1), *, steps_per_rev=200)

Base class for TIC stepper motors


step_mode (StepModeValues) – The step mode to use

clear() None

Clears and reinits the stepper motor

drive(rpm: float) None

Drives the motor at a given speed


rpm (float) – The speed to move the motor in RPM

halt_and_set_position(position: int) None

Stops the motor and sets the position

move(units: int) None

Moves the given number of steps/microsteps


units (int) – The number of steps/microsteps to move

property step_mode: StepMode

Gets and sets the stepper step mode